Quote of the week:

“They'd have to shoot me to get me back to Illnois."

~Abraham Lincoln upon going to WDC to become president

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


When I was initially diagnosed with CVID a few years ago, I thought of starting a blog to let family and friends keep updated with the medical goings on. I vacillated back and forth (ok, that’s redundant), feeling it was too self indulgent. Part of my reticence in posting regularly once I started my blog was that I didn’t want it to be/read like a whiny ‘poor me’ epistle. I actually created my blog because I had to have a blog address to post on somebody else’s site. I occasionally post on other sites.
So, WTF. I’m going to give this a shot. It’s not like anyone’s being forced to read this. I’m not ever sure at this point that I’m going to inform the masses about it. I’m doing this for me. Some of it ain’t gonna be pretty. Again I say WTF. BTW, I was “WTF” before “WTF” was cool, and an accepted part of the pop culture lexicon. Back in 1989, when I was closing my business, I was having lunch with a good friend, and made the comment, “If I ever have another business, I’m going to call it ‘WTF Enterprises’.” We’ll he had a bumper sticker created for me that was “WTF Enterprizes”. The “Z” was a spelling error (he’s dyslexic, like me), but I thought it very fitting. When I got hit by a car running a red light, totaling the car, I tried to save the bumper sticker for posterity. The mastic used was of high grade, and the polymer of the bumper sticker itself very elastic, so it was not salvageable. Ironically, we did end up salvaging the car, because I was a poor grad student with a loan payment greater than the value of the car. The car was rolled into my business loan/debt that I was paying off. But that’s another story for a later time.
So, I’m going to try and commit to this. My current vision is that it’s going to be a lot of historical posts interspersed with current day/current topic posts. The historical, because history informs who we are and how we are in the present. It helps to explain who I am and why I am here and now.
If you’re still reading, I hope you enjoy the ride with along with me and come back for future installments. ©rle/wtf